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A Plan For Health At Allen Family Dentistry

Dear AFD Patients & Community Members,

First of all I hope all of you are safe and well through these trying times.  
I wanted to inform you of a program we have available at Allen Family Dentistry for those who do not have dental insurance or for those who are unhappy with the coverage they have.  Dental insurance is very different from medical insurance as you well know.  The cost of dental coverage is significantly lower than medical policies.  We must remember this as we evaluate our expectations of the benefit.  In other words, lower cost for the coverage equals lower benefit.  Basically you are paying for a coupon.  Depending on the procedures you are receiving at your dental provider will determine whether your discount is 90%, 50%, etc.  
For years, dental insurance has been selling you policies based on “free cleanings”. The problem is two fold.  Number one not everyone qualifies for the free cleaning.  The type of cleaning you need is determined by your dentist and hygienist based on multiple factors.  And number two, the insurance is only going to pay an allotted amount toward that “free cleaning” and expects some one else to cover the rest. The amount of coverage has not been updated in years.  So they are allowing you a benefit of what a “cleaning” cost 15 plus years ago!  
Here at Allen Family Dentistry we wanted a better alternative to Dental Insurance.  We have grown weary of insurance as we see patients who are taken advantage of by these limited policies.  With that we created our own membership plan that allows the patient to see the true value in their investment.  We have four options based on your dental health needs.  These plans cover exams, xrays, cleanings, fluoride plus special pricing for dental treatment with no maximums or deductibles. We offer discounts for families and financing options to make this affordable for you.  
Please read more about this great benefit at Allen Family Dentistry in the attached brochure. If you have questions please reach out to one of our offices. We are excited to be able to offer this at all of our locations in Athens, Bullard and Palestine. You can also visit our website at www.allenfamilydentists.com.  We hope to see you soon.


Brittany Allen, Business Director

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